Penalties for not paying alimony in Florida

Non Payment of Court Ordered Alimony in Florida Alimony continues to be a contentious subject in Florida. If you have been ordered to pay alimony and are refusing to pay or simply cannot do so, you may face stiff penalties for failing to comply. If you are unable to pay your alimony obligation, consult with [...]

2020-01-30T21:24:21+00:00January 30th, 2020|alimony|0 Comments

Modifying Alimony in Tampa Bay

Alimony Modifications in Florida In Florida, most types of alimony are modifiable, however, you must show a substantial and permanent change in circumstances. Because of this, when divorcing in Florida, it's very important for your Tampa divorce lawyer to get it right the first time. Properly negotiating alimony through MSA’s or litigation is imperative to [...]

Impact Factors Florida Alimony Awards

Factors that Can Impact Florida Alimony Award Amounts If you are divorcing, you may be concerned about how much alimony you might receive or have to pay. As a veteran Tampa divorce attorney, Nilo J. Sanchez knows that alimony is a major concern of couples who are divorcing in Tampa Bay. Whether you will be [...]