October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Tampa Bay #1Thing Nationwide, victims and survivors of domestic violence come together to mourn the lives lost to domestic violence. In Tampa Bay, communities will gather to continue to make progress in ending this  epidemic. There are several events that will take place to help to create change. We've provided [...]

2024-10-08T21:36:02+00:00October 8th, 2024|Family Law Attorneys|0 Comments

Florida Guardian ad Litems & Child Custody

When are Guardian ad Litems Used in Child Custody Cases in Florida? In Florida, litigants in a child custody case can request an appointment of a Guardian ad Litem or (GAL) by the courts. Frequently utilized in high conflict child custody cases, a judge has the power to approve the appointment of a GAL and [...]

2022-09-01T19:47:11+00:00June 21st, 2021|child custody|1 Comment